Streamline Two-Way Employee Messaging That is Web-Accessible and Reportable
When you need to get a message to your employees, what do you do? Do you leave a voicemail? Do you try to text them?
Unfortunately, neither of these options provide a trail of confirmed communication. You don’t know for sure if your text was delivered, and you can’t prove anyone listened to your voicemail. If your agency is relying on texts or voice messages to communicate between employees, check out our newest solution for agencies: myCommunications!
myCommunications facilitates the exchange of information among all employees at an agency in a secure, HIPAA-compliant way. Using myCommunications, all staff within an agency can exchange messages on administrative, personal, or individual care-related issues.
Available as a standalone solution, with other select MITC applications, or as part of a comprehensive MITC Staff & Client Solutions system, myCommunications works on any smartphone or other internet-enabled device.
myCommunications is used for…
- Ordering supplies
- Reporting problems
- Communicating changes
- Incident reporting
- Classifying communications using user-defined communication types to extract certain messages for use as orders, requisitions, reports
- Sending groups of new communications to another person using communication types – for example, all communications for maintenance can go to the maintenance department
Download a Fact Sheet
Download this fact sheet to learn how myCommunications helps agencies dramatically improve communications between direct care workers, managers, and administration without the use of emails or texts.
Fill out the form below to be emailed the download link.