William Jackson – TARC

William has been an employee for 5 years now, has near perfect attendance, never calls out, and is always engaged with his clients. William has stood up for his clients and defended them when people made ugly remarks and put himself in harms way to protect them.

William has donated his free time, his vehicle, his handy work and his personal items to clients. He has given clients in need clothes, fixed holes in a wall for a client that couldn’t afford repairs, helped moved clients that couldn’t afford movers and used his own time and gas money, has driven/ridden 4-5 hours to get behavior clients out of the hospital so that they could return home. William has helped his client become a successful board member for TARC and for relay for life. He has helped his client lose weight to protect his blood sugar levels by exercising along side him. He has helped his client learn social skills and how to effectively communicate with people by helping him to successfully raise over $10,000 in one year for TARC and relay for life. He helped teach his client to fish and play basketball so that he could play special Olympics.

They do not make individuals like William anymore. He is not here for a paycheck, he is here because he cares! William is an ex-police officer, who stepped down to really make a difference in the life of someone who needed him. He is always defending his client and even gives up his seat for his client to be able to sit down. He treats his clients like equals and always finds something enjoyable for them to do together. He betters the lives of each individual he works with. He has helped many clients with self esteem issues step out of their shells and became vibrant interactive individuals. William evacuated with 12 clients in August and stayed away from his own home for 25 days making sure that his clients were taken care of. William put his own life on hold to secure the safety, well being and happiness of his clients. William is truly one of a kind and we are honored and blessed to have him as a DSP for our agency. William’s clients would be lost without him!