Oregon Providers Share Concerns about EVV

In a recent stakeholder meeting, Oregon providers and ODDS representatives deliberated extremely tender topics about the upcoming EVV implementation. Providers were concerned about foreseen barriers to EVV compliance and the lack of clarity from ODDS.

Many Oregon providers are already familiar with eXPRS, which captures a lot (but not all) of the information the 21st Century Cures Act requires. To reduce the impact of the EVV implementation, the state plans to expand eXPRS so it is fully EVV-compliant. But providers worry about the cost of any mobile devices and data plans necessary for EVV.

They also presented questions like:

  • How will a PSW clock in/out if the reception is poor or overcrowded?
  • If agencies provide mobile devices to their PSWs, how will PSWs share the devices?
  • Can eXPRS handle even more usage? It is already overloaded at certain times of the month.
  • Will clocking in/out in front of the client blatantly remind the client that he or she is dependent on others for daily activities?

The state tabled most of these topics until the next stakeholder meeting.

Programs Affected

Personal support workers (PSW)