Cooked with Love

Maine Sets EVV Requirement Date

For agencies operating in Maine, EVV plans are finally getting due dates.

By July 1, 2020, PCS and HHCS that require in-home visits by a provider in the following sections will require EVV:

  • 12, Consumer-Directed Attendant Services
  • 18, Home and Community-Based Services for Adults with Brain Injury
  • 19, Home and Community-Based Services for the Elderly and Adults with Disabilities
  • 20, Home and Community-Based Services for Adults with Other Related Conditions
  • 21, Home and Community-Based Benefits for Members with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • 28, Rehabilitative and Community Support Services for Children with Cognitive Impairments and Functional Limitations
  • 29, Support Services for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities or Autistic Spectrum Disorder
  • 96, Private Duty Nursing and Personal Care Services

Any services that require an in-home visit by a provider in Section 40, Home Health Services and Section 43, Hospice Services will require EVV by January 1, 2023.

The EVV Integration process varies per agency and vendor. It has been recommended that providers allow at least eight weeks for the EVV system to be fully integrated into their agency.

For more information on what is required and how to integrate your EVV system with Sandata, click here.

The Rehoboth Half

Ohio Department of Medicaid Clarifies EVV Rules

The Ohio Department of Medicaid has issued clarifications on rules that providers and software vendors need to follow for full EVV compliance. Many are generally in line with Medicaid guidelines, but providers need to be aware of them.

  1. Providers need to ensure the EVV software they use allows clear documentation of all changes to original records (Clock-in/outs) when employees forget or clock at the wrong time. Typically at least 10% of records will fall into this category. Connecting the action of clocking-in/out with getting paid for employees will help maintain a lower rate.
  2. At this point in time the Ohio Department of Medicaid does not plan on interfering with reimbursements if there is a large volume of edits.
  3. Providers need to enter a unique email address for all employees who have authority to edit attendance. This email address needs to be retained for 7 years and never be re-used.
  4. Alternate software vendors now need to demonstrate compliance in person at meetings in Columbus. Currently these demonstrations are being scheduled well into 2020.

More details are available here.

2020 Minimum Pay Increases

More than 20 states will see updated rates as the calendar turns to 2020.

The following state changes will go into effect either Dec. 31 or Jan. 1, 2020. (Note: This information does not take into account city and county minimum wage rates, which may take precedence depending on the jurisdiction.)


State law requires a minimum wage adjustment each year based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI). State officials have announced the new rate for next year: $10.19


Arizona’s next increase is scheduled. Next year, the new rates will be: $12


In 2018, voters passed Issue 5 to increase the state minimum wage, with the 2020 rate going to $10.


California has different rates for small and large employers. Small is defined as having 25 employees or fewer; large means 26 or more. One of the most progressive states in the nation, California will have a $15 minimum wage in 2022.

The new 2020 rates are $12 for small employers, $13 for large employers.


Come 2020, the new rates will be: $12

(Also of note for employers: Colorado recently gave cities the power to set their own rates.)


Effective Jan. 1, 2019, Florida tied its minimum wage to an annual indexed rate. Starting in 2020, the new rates will be: $8.56


In February 2019, Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed into law the first minimum wage increase in Illinois since 2010. It will reach $15 in 2025. Meanwhile, starting Jan. 1, 2020, the minimum wage will be $9.25.


Maine has a planned increase for its minimum wage: $12


Minimum wage will increase by 90 cents to $11 an hour. Note that starting in January 2021 the state will have different rates for large and small employers. (Large being 15 or more workers and small defined as 14 or fewer.)


In 2018, Massachusetts passed legislation to increase minimum wage to $15 by 2023. In the meantime, the new rates for 2020 will be: $12.75


Increase its minimum wage, but only slightly. The 2020 rates will be: $9.65


Different rates for large and small employers. But the definition of large or small isn’t tied to the number of employees. Instead, Minnesota uses gross receipts — more than $500,000 is considered large, less than $500,000 is considered small. (The state has no separate rate for employees who receive tips.)

New rates in 2020: $10 for large employers, $8.15 for small employers


New law: While the rate won’t hit $12 until 2023, annual increases of 85 cents are in place.

In 2020, meanwhile, the rates will increase to: $9.45

After 2023, the rate will be increased according to the CPI.


Minimum wage workers will see a small increase next year, with the rate going to $8.65. The rate is tied to changes in the CPI for Urban Consumers.

New Jersey

Enacted a new law which resulted in increases in July. Moving forward, the rate will increase based on the CPI or at least $1, whichever is greater. (The rate will hit $15 for most employers in 2024.)

Also note that rates differ depending on employer type. In 2020, the minimum wage will be:

  • $11 for most employers
  • $10.30 for seasonal and small employers (fewer than six workers)
  • $10.30 for agricultural employers

New Mexico

Passed a new law in 2019. The initial increase is a big one, too – up $1.50 from the current rate.

In 2020, minimum wage will be: $9 The rate will top out at $12 in 2023.

New York

The 2020 the rate is going up to $11.80.


Minimum wage in Ohio is tied to a company’s gross receipts, with $319,000 as the threshold defining a “large” employer.

Come 2020, the new rates will be: $8.70 for large employers. $7.25 for small employers (the federal rate)

South Dakota

The minimum wage is adjusted annually via the CPI (though the rate can’t be decreased). In 2020, the new rates will be: $9.30


Began indexed increases in 2019. Minimum wage workers will see modest bumps in 2020: $10.96


Passed a minimum wage ballot initiative in 2016. The new rate in 2020 will be $13.50.