
North Carolina Seeks Provider Input

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services is asking providers to complete a survey that will help the state understand the EVV systems that providers may already use. Based on these results, the state will consider a vendor to implement a statewide EVV system. Providers that already use a system may continue, as long as it meets state criteria.

According to a flyer the state released, by January 1, 2019, providers must use an EVV system that verifies:

  • Date of service
  • Location of service delivery
  • Individual providing service
  • Type of service performed
  • Individual receiving the service
  • Time service begins and ends

Programs Affected: State Plan Personal Care, HCBS Waivers, HCBS State Plan, Self-directed Personal Attendant Care Services, Community First Choice State Plan (State Plan Home Health Services and home health services authorized under a waiver of the plan will be affected by January 2023)